Åsa Erlandsson
Delägare, AdvokatProfil
Arbetsrätt, det är vad jag arbetar med och brinner för. Sedan 1998. Mina uppdragsgivare är arbetsgivare, såväl utländska som svenska. Och jag biträder inom alla arbetsrättsliga områden, också tvister och diskriminering.
Jag har arbetat med arbetsrätt för svenska och utländska arbetsgivare sedan 1998. Min ledstjärna är att våga vara pragmatisk och personlig. Och att mina råd alltid måste passa vår klients affär och verksamhet. För jag vet hur det är att tillämpa arbetsrätten ”på riktigt”. I flera år har jag, parallellt med min arbetsrättspraktik, varit VD/MP för Setterwalls. Idag sitter jag i styrelsen.
Min praktik täcker alla delar av arbetsrätten, allt från dagliga frågeställningar om t.ex. arbetsmiljö, anställningsavtal och uppsägningar (inklusive frågor om skydd för arbetsgivarens verksamhet, konkurrensklausuler och sekretess), omstruktureringar och företagsförsäljningar till arbetsrättsliga tvister inför domstol eller skiljenämnd. Ibland utses jag också som skiljedomare. Ett särskilt intresseområde är diskrimineringsfrågor.
Eftersom jag vill att min praktik ska vara en del av våra klienters värld håller jag ofta seminarier och föreläser hos eller tillsammans med våra klienter eller olika nätverk om olika arbetsrättsliga ämnen. En annan del av min utåtriktade verksamhet är att jag är eller har varit aktiv som ledamot i Stockholms Handelskammares fullmäktige, Advokatsamfundets styrelse och utbildningsnämnd och i flera föreningar och nätverk inom mitt område.
Solna och Hedemora tingsrätter, tingsrättsfiskal
Svea hovrätt, hovrättsfiskal
Amsterdam School of International Relations, master i European Integration
Stockholms tingsrätt, notarie
Uppsala universitet, juristexamen
University of Leuven, Belgien, studier i EU-rätt
06 Mar 2025
Arbetsrättsliga nyheter – uppdatering mars 202515 Jan 2024
AD 2023 nr 43 – Förhandlingsskyldighet och veto inför inhyrning enligt medbestämmandelagen15 Jan 2024
Höjt försörjningskrav för arbetstillstånd04 Jul 2023
Arbetsrättsliga nyheter – juli 202309 Mar 2023
Arbetsrättsliga nyheter – uppdatering mars 202309 Mar 2023
Arbetsmiljöbrott vid kränkande särbehandling m m01 Jun 2022
Arbetsrättsliga nyheter – uppdatering juni 202230 Aug 2021
Den flexibla arbetsplatsen/återgång i arbete01 Apr 2021
Genomförande av arbetsvillkorsdirektivet01 Apr 2021
En ny visselblåsarlagstiftning01 Apr 2021
En modernisering av arbetsrätten – status01 Apr 2021
Anställda och vaccination mot Covid-1901 Apr 2021
Ansökan om korttidsstöd för 2021 har öppnat samtidigt som Tillväxtverkets arbete är under lupp08 Apr 2020
Ansökan om stöd för korttidsarbete är nu öppen18 Mar 2020
Corona och statens paket25 Apr 2019
Setterwalls högt rankade i Legal 50008 Jan 2018
Setterwalls advokatbyrå har fått i uppdrag av Socialdemokraterna att göra en oberoende utredning08 Jan 2015
Setterwalls förstärker med en ny delägare24 May 2011
Odd Swarting ny ordförande för UNICEF SverigeExterna publikationer
Medförfattare till "EU and International Employment Law", Jordan Publishing Ltd,
"The Defendant's right of access to the Commission's file in Competition Cases", publicerad i "Legal issues of European Integration", 2/1998, Kluwer Publishing.
European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
International Bar Association (IBA) Employment & Discrimination
Sveriges Advokatsamfund styrelse
Sveriges Advokatsamfunds utbildningsnämnd
Stockholms Handelskammares fullmäktige
Setterwalls 2010-2016
Lag&Avtals arbetsrättsliga nätverk
”Åsa has a truly unique profile as a lawyer. She fits exceptionally well within the context of our corporate culture and communication style, and is highly attentive and adaptable.”
Chambers Europe
”She is highly responsive and competent, and is able to dispense advice in a digestible manner.”
Chambers Europe
”Åsa is an outstanding lawyer. She is able to communicate with all parts of the company and is highly respected. Besides her professional skills, she is also a very pleasant person to work with.”
Chambers Europe
”Åsa is not only an excellent lawyer but also extremely good to work with, giving hands-on and practical advice on complex legal matters.”
Chambers Europe
”Åsa Erlandsson sets herself apart with the energy and insight that she brings. I am fully confident that I will get a rapid and complete response that reflects our corporate strategy as she has taken the time to understand our business risk tolerance.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is a real problem-solver.”
Chambers Europe
”She is personable, easy to talk to and pragmatic.”
Chambers Europe
”Åsa Erlandsson is very service-minded, knowledgeable, constructive, broad knowledge of various aspects of employment law, great with clients.”
Legal 500
”I have been using the Setterwalls employment law practice a lot recently. As I see it, they should be the definition of what being a consultant is all about. The team headed by Åsa Erlandsson is extremely competent, business oriented and always puts the client first. They have truly unique skills in understanding their clients situation and in adapting their service accordingly. Always available and meet expectations even with very tight deadlines as I have had several times.”
Legal 500
”Setterwalls have an excellent, experienced and very highly skilled team regarding employment law. For us the people and expertise within the company is their greatest strength. Setterwalls and Åsa Erlandsson supported us in several labour law issues and in a complex reorganisation process. The result from all the different cases exceeded our expectations.”
Legal 500
”She is a pleasure to talk to, with an ability to explain complex issues in a direct and relatable way.”
Chambers Europe
”Business-minded, swiftly available, agile, down-to-earth and practical”
Chambers Europe
”Åsa Erlandsson is a highly competent lawyer who supported our organisation in a reorganisation process where delicate issues concerning labour law was at hand. Her support was crucial for the smoothness of the process, as she emits knowledgeability and is a very safe hand to hold on to. She showed great availability with fast answers to our questions.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is always quick to get back to us, always supportive and pragmatic.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is always humble, straight to the point, pragmatic and fun to work with. She is super fast in responding to problems, always available and very supportive. She educates us while providing services to us.”
Legal 500
”Moving up the rankings, Åsa Erlandsson possesses notable expertise in employment investigations and litigation relating to sexual harassment and discrimination. She also handles terminations and disputes with trade unions. Clients enthuse: "She is always reliable, extremely thorough, extremely effective, easy to get in contact with, down to earth and very polite."”
Chambers Europe
”She is excellent and very practical.”
Chambers Europe
”[she provides] pragmatic and down to-earth recommendations and clearly presents the risk level for each option”
Chambers Europe
”Makes law easy to understand and is fast and service-minded throughout the process.”
Chambers Europe
”Extremely result-oriented.”
Chambers Europe
”She sets herself apart with the energy and insight that she brings. I am fully confident that I will get a rapid and complete response that reflects our corporate strategy as she has taken the time to understand our business risk tolerance.”
Chambers Europe
”Knowledgeable but very pragmatic and quick in responding.”
Chambers Europe
”A brilliant and knowledgeable lawyer.”
Chambers Europe
”She is always on top of things and very service-minded. She really is something special.”
Chambers Europe
”Skilled and authoritative.”
Legal 500
”She has both the legal skill and the personality; you feel very comfortable with her as she makes the case easy to understand for people who are not involved in law.”
Chambers Europe
”She is results-oriented, works fast and keeps to deadlines.”
”Deeply knowledgeable.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is one of the best employment lawyers around. With her long experience she can advise on all aspects of employment law, with a practical approach as well.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is outstanding both as a person and as a lawyer. She creates trust and is very clear and straightforward in her communication. She is a good listener, easy to understand, and has a brave approach as well as a good sense of humor.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson has a unique ability to quickly analyse issues and assign the right resources, which is cost-effective for clients.”
Legal 500
”Åsa Erlandsson is experienced, wise and has a special ability to make clients feel safe despite the often difficult questions under investigation.”
Legal 500